I developed a fascination with film early in my life, and from it came a deep and persistent desire to create and, simultaneously, express myself through art. I’ve come to appreciate it as a meaningful and—if done right—compelling way of communicating, of telling stories and, by extension, sharing an aspect of ourselves, be it as an individual, a business, an organization, or a cause.

As the founder and chief operator of Hawkins Media and its subsidiary, FilmAds.ca, my goal has been and continues to be to use my passion for art—particularly film—and the creative process as a whole to produce works of both personal and professional value. While pursuing that passion, I have learned how to not only create work that excels both aesthetically and substantively, but to effectively market it as well.

My directorial work and production efforts have been recognized both locally and nationally for their quality. In 2009 I won an award from Ford and Cineplex Entertainment for their Ford Flex/Cineplex Nationwide Contest. The same year, I won an award from Discovery World HD for their 2009 Discovery World FilmSnacks Nationwide Contest. I also earned an honourable mention for my entry in the Vancouver Canucks video contest.

At the core of my personal and professional life is a sincere appreciation for and pride in my family and close friends. Though there may be a tendency at times to forget how fortunate I am, they continually inspire my work and encourage my dedication to professional excellence.

I formed Hawkins Media out of a genuine desire to help others—to help you—share a message, professionally, effectively, and, ultimately, creatively. Whether you’re an independent business or a corporation, for-profit or not-for-profit, an individual with a goal or a group with a cause, local or national—I can help you spread the word. It’s what I do, and it’s who I am.

Have a great day and let’s talk soon,


Email Matthew